January 17-2014

. . . accused killer
The family of Sanaz Nezami, whose husband stands accused of beating her to death in Michigan last month, blames the husband’s family for not acknowledging that the youth was troubled.
The accused wife-killer, Nima Nassiri, remains in jail in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on a $5 million bond that no one has posted.
Nassiri, 34, waived a preliminary hearing Monday.
The couple met over the Internet—Sanaz living in Tehran and Nima, who was born and raised in the Los Angeles area, living in California.
They each traveled to Ankara where they wed August 19. In November they moved to Michigan to enter graduate school. On December 9, Sanaz was hospitalized with brain trauma and died shortly thereafter.

. . . dead at 27
In a telephone interview from Tehran, Sanaz’s sister, Sara, told The Mining Journal of Marquette, Michigan, that when their two families met in Turkey for the marriage, her father asked Nassiri’s father if Nassiri had any emotional or behavioral problems.
She said Nassiri’s father assured her father that Nima didn’t, and said that when Sanaz became part of the Nassiri family, which lives in California, they would watch over and protect her.
“After these things, I think Nima’s family deceived us,” Sara said. “They seduced us.”
Sara said that had Sanaz known more about Nassiri, she wouldn’t have married him, but said she trusted God that justice would be done for her sister.
“God maybe [will] do a lot of things to the father and mother and Nima,” she said. “We cannot do anything from Iran. We are far away from America and Nima’s family. Really, I want God to do the best. Whatever God wants, He can do.”