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USA just hostile, hostile, hostile

February 14-2014

The newsroom director of PressTV, Hamid-Reza Emadi, says the Iranian people have every right to distrust the US due to Washington’s long track record of hostile policies against Iran.

In a Saturday debate on Press TV, which is the English-language arm of state broadcasting, Emadi pointed to the US-led 1953 coup against the government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq, support for Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in his eight-year war against Iran, the 1988 missile attack on an Iranian passenger airliner and the current sanctions imposed on the Iranian people as some examples of US hostility for Iran.

“There is every reason why Iran cannot and should not trust the United States of America,” he said.

The Islamic Republic has always argued that the United States cannot be trusted.  But in recent weeks that argument has been served up with even more fervor and frequency than usual.  Some view that as odd since it will make it harder for the regime to sell any nuclear compromise to the Iranian public.

Emadi lashed out at Washington for “hypocrisy” in the course of the nuclear talks with Iran and said US officials, including Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, continue to make paradoxical and insulting statements “just to appease the Israeli lobbies under the Zionists who are funding US Congress members.”

He said, “The United States does not respect any country on planet earth. The United States readily violates international law since drones assassinate people in other countries. It doesn’t have any respect for the territorial integrity of other countries.”

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