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US Muslims back Obama 10-to-1

The poll, conducted by an independent research firm on behalf of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), indicates that 91 percent of registered Muslim voters will go to the polls next Tuesday.

The random survey of 500 registered Muslim voters was conducted in the first two weeks of October and has a margin of error of five percent.

Sixty-eight percent of those surveyed said they will vote to re-elect Obama. Seven percent said they will vote for Mitt Romney.  The ramaining 25 percent were still undecided.

Other findings from the poll showed:

•   55 percent of Muslim voters consider themselves moderate and 26 percent liberal, while 16 percent consider themselves conservative.

•   The percentage of those who said they are closer to the Democratic Party grew from 49 percent in a similar poll taken in 2008 to 66 percent today. Affiliation with the Republican Party remained nearly the same, with a 1 percent increase from 8 percent in 2008 to 9 percent today.

•   49 percent of respondents said that the Democratic Party was friendly towards Muslims, while 12 percent said that the Republican Party was friendly. Conversely, 51 percent of respondents said that the Republican Party was unfriendly towards Muslims, while 6 percent said that the Democratic Party was unfriendly.

•   35 percent of respondents say they have experienced religious or ethnic profiling or discrimination post-9/11. The same percentage say they experienced kind treatment by neighbors or co-workers in that period.

•   70 percent of Muslim respondents say they have a four-year or graduate degree, compared to 34 percent college attendance for the entire population.

•   On international issues, 68 percent of respondents say the US should provide support to those fighting against the government in Syria and 76 percent say the US and NATO made the right decision by intervening in the Libyan revolution.

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