Iran Times

‘US has decided to surrender’

May 14, 2021

ROHANI. . . US must surrender
ROHANI. . . US must surrender

President Rohani has told the Iranian public the US and other western countries have reached the conclusion that they must “surrender” to Iran due to its “resistance and power.”

“Today, the Europeans—and even the Americans—realize they must surrender to Iran and that they have no choice but to surrender to international law and regulations and the legitimacy of Iran,” Rohani said April 28, addressing a cabinet meeting.

He also blasted Israel for trying to provoke then-President Donald Trump to pull his country out of the 2015 nuclear deal, although no tell-all stories by former US officials have said Israel played any role in the decision.

Rohani also said Trump assassinated Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleymani as the agent of the Zionist regime. It was the Zionist regime that provoked Trump to commit such a heinous crime, he said, although Trump gave the order suddenly without consulting Israel or even his own national security staff.

One day earlier, Rohani said the US has no option but to remove all sanctions on Iran, saying falsely that Washington admits the failure of its economic war on Iran.

“There is no other way [for the US] but to agree with Iran and lift sanctions today and this is a great success for the Iranian people,” Rohani said, adding, “Today with the resistance of the people and the Supreme Leader’s instructions, the whole world and the US itself acknowledge that the economic war has been defeated.”

He said, “The expansion of activities and the increase in the number of knowledge-based enterprises in the country has changed Iran’s economy.”

Rohani said the “enemy” devised its campaign of maximum pressure through sanctions to defeat the Iranian people, but the maximum resistance of the nation has brought another honor for Iran.

“The enemy devised maximum pressure through sanctions to bring the Iranian people to their knees,” Rohani said, “but the people brought about another honor for Iran.”

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