Pakistan and Afghanistan have the right to self-determination and can create their own nation has created a frenzy in Pakistan but so far been ignored in Iran.
The resolution was introduced in the US House of Representatives by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California conservative Republican, and supported so far by only two other Republican congressmen.
Congressional sources said the resolution is unlikely ever to be brought to the floor for passage and will likely just languish in committee.
In Pakistan, many political figures, including even the prime minister, have cited the resolution and questioned whether the United States is committed to Pakistani sovereignty.
Some in Pakistan suspect the proposed resolution is part of a US plot to punish Pakistan for not tackling terrorism more firmly.
In Iran, no comment has been seen from any officials or media commentators.
The draft text says that Baluchis are divided among Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan but have the “right to self-determination and to their own sovereign country; and they should be afforded the opportunity to choose their own status.”