January 17, 2025
Romania has arrested two Romanian nationals charged with knifing Pouria Zeraati, a newscaster with Iran International, on a London street last March. British police announced that on December 17 the two accused men Nandito Badea, 19, and George Stana, 23 had been extradited from Romania and put under arrest on their arrival at Heathrow Airport in London.
Three weeks later, British police said they had arrested a third man in London for a role in the attack. They said he was 40 years old, but did not name him or give his nationality. The Romanians did not try to kill Zeraati, stabbing him in the leg. It is assumed the attack was meant as a warning to all the staff at Iran International. It is also widely assumed Iranian security agents recruited the attackers. The upcoming trial may shed light on that and provide further embarrassment for the regime.