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Rohani: All should thank Iran for sacking Trump

August 06, 2021

President Rohani says the people of the world are greatly indebted to the Iranian people for helping bring about the departure of US President Donald Trump.

He said Iranians in recent years witnessed two wars, one of which was imposed by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and lasted for eight years in the 1980s. In that war, he said, the Iranian people relied solely on God, while the aggressors were dependent on the big powers of the East and West.

Over the past three years, Rohani said, the Iranian people have been dealing with an economic war organized by Trump.

“In the imposed war, we achieved a great victory. We will likewise emerge victorious in this economic war by God’s power,” Rohani said.

“All the people of the world owe a great debt to the Iranian people. It would have been a hassle-free victory for Trump [in the 2020 elections] if the Iranian people had not stood up to this tyrant and defeated him through its resistance, and if the [Iranian] government had not exercised prudence,” he said.

“The people’s resistance and the government’s prudence, however, led to Trump’s humiliation in the past three years,” he said.

The Iranian chief executive further highlighted numerous “blows” dealt to the US by Iran over the past few years at the UN Security Council and the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

“The one who overthrew Trump was God and the one who apparently caused the ouster of Trump in the United States was the vigilant people of that country. The role of the Iranian people has been very effective in toppling this tyrant. With Trump gone, the world today is indebted to Iran for [the return of] a sense of security, stability and rule of law.”

Rohani said, “The era of maximum sanctions is over. The era of the economic war is over. Everyone has realized that ‘maximum pressure’ has failed, but a final victory still needs patience and resistance.”

Rohani said Trump lost re-election in part because of the failure of his efforts to bring the Iranian economy to collapse.

Rohani seemed unaware of the fact that Iran was not an issue in last year’s US presidential election and the Democrats never said Trump was a failure because the Islamic Republic still existed.

Rohani said, “Trump did not realize the capacities and realities of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s capabilities at all and acted on the basis of his illusions. The White House’s failure in confrontation with Iran after two and a half years of full-fledged economic war in addition to the failure of his international policies are the reasons behind Trump’s defeat in the recent elections in that country.”

“I advise all of those who seek to defeat Iran through measures like sanctions to drop such a wrong and failed policies at the museum of history forever,” he added.

Although the US sanctions harmed the livelihood of the Iranian people, the warmongers who imposed sanctions and predicted a collapse of Iran’s economy in the short term have now left the White House, while Iran has emerged victorious in an unequal economic war, the president said.

Actually, Trump never forecast the collapse of the Iranian economy from sanctions.  He said sanctions were re-imposed to force Iran back to the negotiating table to negotiate a new agreement.  Of course, that hasn’t happened either.

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