Friday, March 21, 2025
More than a third of the members of the US House of Representatives have joined in sponsoring a resolution that obscurely endorses the Mojahedin-e Khalq. A total of 151 lawmakers, or 35 percent of the membership, is rallying around a resolution to support the organization and its leader, Maryam Rajavi.
The resolution, drafted by Rep. Tom McClintock, Republican of California, first makes a passing reference to “Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for the Future of Iran.” Several paragraphs later, the resolution “calls for supporting the Iranian opposition and the Ten-Point Plan for the Future of Iran, which aligns with democratic values and ensures a democratic, secular, peaceful, and nonnuclear republic for the future of Iran.”
The text never cities the Mojahedin-e Khalq by name, but by its reference early in the text to the Ten-Point Plan as being proposed by Maryam Rajavi and then later by saying the House endorses the Ten-Point Plan the resolution makes its endorsement of the Mojahedin-e Khalq without that being clear to casual readers.
Similar texts have been introduced in the past, but alert staffers have cleared up the wording to remove any effort to put the House on record as supporting the Mojahedin-e Khalq when a vote is taken. Most of the seven-page text is generalized criticism of the Islamic Republic acceptable to almost all Republicans and Democrats in the US. For example, the text declares:
“The developments of the past year have left no doubt that the source of terrorism and warmongering in the Middle East region is the theocratic Islamic Republic of Iran.” It says, “The efforts of Western countries over the past 45 years to change the behavior of this regime have failed, and the ultimate solution to ending the Iranian regime’s threats is the establishment of a secular, democratic, and pluralistic republic by the Iranian people and resistance.”
However, President Trump has refused to endorse a policy of regime change in Iran, recognizing that his base of supporters strongly opposes “endless wars” in the Middle East. Asked about that in October, Trump said, “We can’t get totally involved in all that. We can’t run ourselves, let’s face it.” The resolution was introduced February 26, just hours before the Congressional Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus held a meeting at which Rajavi spoke via video hookup from France.
She told caucus members the Iranian regime is at its weakest point in decades. “The situation of the Iranian society is explosive. During its 46-year rule, the religious fascism has never been so weak and fragile,” Rajavi said. “The mullahs are surrounded from all sides: by a society that is filled with anger and rebellion, by Resistance Units, and by selfless and rebellious youth, because of its bankrupt economy and corruption in the government, particularly after the overthrow of the brutal dictatorship of [Syrian President Bashar al-]Assad and the collapse of the regime’s ‘strategic depth’ in the region.”
The resolution comes after Trump has said he would “love to make a deal” with the Islamic Republic to exclude nuclear weapons, but leaving the clerical leadership intact.