ago, not for his role in the deaths of political protesters at the Kahrizak detention center in 2009.
Ali-Akbar Heydarifard, who previously served as the deputy prosecutor of Tehran under Saeed Mortazavi, was arrested last week. Initial indications were that he was arrested as part of the investigation into the deaths three years ago of at least three post-election protesters.
But, in fact, he was not arrested in that case. Some of the wardens at Kahrizak have been arrested for torture at Kahrizak. But no one has yet been arrested for sending protesters to be tortured at the detention center.
The authorities have clarified that Heydarifard was arrested last week for an alleged offense around Now Ruz, less than two months ago.
The chief warden for Tehran province said Heydarifard was being held at Evin prison for “disrupting public order.”
News reports said Heydarifard was in Esfahan for Now Ruz and broke into the line waiting for gasoline at a service station. According to the reports, when others waiting in line objected. He pulled out a handgun and fired in the air.
Local police detained him but released him when he established his identity. News reports said some of those at the gasoline station were angry at the velvet treatment he received and pursued their complaint at Esfahan’s Revolutionary Court, prompting Heydarifard’s arrest last week.