The poll queried 24,090 people across 22 countries, by telephone and face-to-face, asking them whether they had positive or negative feelings toward a list of 16 different countries.
The Islamic Republic again ranked last, though only slightly less respected than Pakistan, North Korea and Israel. The accompanying chart shows the full results.
The poll is taken each year. It is conducted jointly by GlobalScan and the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) of the University of Maryland for the BBC World Service.
The main new development this year was a drop in positive ratings for the EU and European countries, probably because of the continuing drag on the European economy.
Germany, which ranked first last year, saw its positive ratings drop 4 percentage points, enough to lead it to fall into second place behind Japan, whose positive ratings rose 2 percentage points. Positive views of the EU fell eight points, of Britain six and France four.
The poll was taken in the following 22 countries: Canada, United States, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Germany, Britain, France, Spain, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Australia, Japan, South Korea, China and Russia.