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August 16, 2024

The Republican Party’s brief, 16- page platform for the 2024 presidential election does not contain even a solitary word on Iran and nary a mention of the Middle East. The Democratic platform is 80 pages long with two pages on the Middle East. A large chunk of the Middle East section deals with Iran. The Democratic Party says it is committed to “deter and defend against Iran and its terrorist surrogates,” citing US air strikes on Houthi military sites to try to stop missile and drone attacks on shipping.

The platform says Trump acted with “fickleness and weakness” against Iran and rebukes the former president’s decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal. Unlike its previous platform in 2020, the Democratic Party platform for 2024 doesn’t explicitly mention that it is seeking a return to the nuclear deal. “President Biden remains committed to a diplomatic solution while standing resolute that Iran will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons,” it states.

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