The Fars news agency reported that Ebrahim Bayani told a meeting of Pasdar commanders that the Pasdaran’s Cyber Army determined that among Internet users from 182 countries Iranians made the largest number of visits to “immoral websites” on Ashura, one the holiest of holidays on the Shia calendar.
The Islamic Republic, however, filters all the pornographic sites it can find. So if Iranians are visiting such sites in vast numbers, it suggests they are easily bypassing state controls.
Bayani said the statistics were “alarming” for the future of the regime since they showed “we cannot expect the youth of the country to have any motivation to attend mosques or to fast.”
Bayani did not say how the Cyber Army counted visits to porn sites by residents of 181 other countries. There are 193 members of the United Nations, so Bayani was claiming he knew the details of Internet usage from most of the world.
He also did not make clear if he meant that 75 million Iranians visited more porn sites than 310 million Americans, or if he had adjusted for population differences.