November 14-2014
President Rohani Tuesday submitted to the Majlis a new candidate for science minister, a sensitive post because it is responsible for universities.
Fakhroddin Ahmadi Dan-esh-Ashtiani, a civil engineer who specializes in seismology, will face a vote of confidence in the Majlis before he can secure the post.
However, several Majlis deputies whistled and jeered when his nomination was announced.
The Majlis is expected to vote next Tuesday or Wednesday after examining his candidacy.
Danesh-Ashtiani was deputy science minister under President Mohammad Khatami, who served from 1997 to 2005.
Rohani has had a hard time filling the position. His first nominee, Jafar Mili-Monfared, was overwhelming rejected in August 2013. He received the fewest number of votes of all 18 cabinet nominees Rohani announced right after becoming president.
Rohani’s second nominee, Reza Faraji-Dana, received 61 percent support in the Majlis in October 2013—but less than a year later became the first (and so far only) Rohani minister to be fired by the Majlis on a vote of confidence.
Rohani’s third nominee, Mahmud Nili-Ahmadabadi, didn’t even get a third of the vote last month, receiving less support than anyone else Rohani has nominated. That sparked suspicions that Majlis deputies are eager to show displeasure with Rohani.