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New corruption court sentences three to die

October 05, 2018

The recently formed special courts to handle corruption charges has just handed down its first convictions—and its first death sentences.
Judiciary spokesman Gholam-Hossain Mohseni-Ejai said 35 suspects had been tried and convicted. Three have been sentenced to die. The others received sentences of up to 20 years.
He did not identify any of those convicted nor detail their crimes.
Under the rules laid out by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenehi when he created the new courts a few weeks ago, the prison sentences issued by the judges are final and cannot be appealed. The death sentences, under the Constitution, must be reviewed by the Supreme Court before they become final.
The new court system was created at the request of Judiciary Chairman Sadeq Larijani to respond to the widespread public anger over corruption. The issue has been raised by many of the people in public demonstrations held across the country since last December.
It was announced at the time that the trials would be open, presumably in an effort to convince the public that the regime was actually doing something. However, none of the trials of the 35 just convicted has been open.

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