June 20-2014
The National Police have announced that enforcement of the dress code will return to high gear now that warm days have returned, making explicit that President Rohani has no authority to limit enforcement despite numerous reports to that effect.
Dress code enforcement is normally fairly light in the winter months when woman want to cover up regardless of the dress code. But as the temperatures rise and it gets hot under the mandated cover of flesh, more and more women ease up on dress code compliance in preference for personal comfort.
The police then come out in force to crack down on violators.
Brig. Gen. Ahmad-Reza Radan, the deputy commander of the National Police, announced last week that such a crackdown was now being launched.
“The moral authority scheme will be implemented as before—and no one can suspend it with an order or instruction,” Radan was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency.
“This enforcement will continue to be implemented as long as compliance with the law has not reached the level that we expect.”
On Tuesday, only a few days after Radan made the announcement, the National Police said he would be given a retirement ceremony the next day and replaced as deputy chief after six years in the post. There was no indication why he was being retired on such short notice.