September 06-13
The family of Amir Hekmati, who is now entering his third year in prison in Tehran, has recently been allowed to write him in Evin prison and last week released the text of his mother’s recent letter to him.
Behnaz. Hekmati writes that her son is “being tested” by his imprisonment as his father, who is facing canver, is also being tested. “Please remain strong,” his mother urges. “That gives your father strength.
Following is the full text of the letter.
My Dearest Amir,
As of today, you have been away from me for two years. 24 months. 730 days. It is almost too much for a mother to endure but I am trying to be as strong as you. I look at your picture every day and long to hug my eldest son.
You are such a good person. You were taken from us for no reason but your father and I are awed by your strength. You left to be the good boy that you are to visit your grandmother who was sick; now I do not know when you will be home but I know it will be soon.
You are being tested and your father is as well with his cancer. Please remain strong. That gives your father strength.
We are so relieved that your situation is better now, that you are no longer in solitary confinement, that you have been able to receive some visitors and send letters. But I cannot begin to imagine the strength these past two years have required in order to survive, let alone stay positive. We are so proud of you for remaining optimistic.
I know this all weighs heavy. We are doing everything in our power to secure your release. We have faith in the power of Allah and remain faithful in the compassion of man that the right thing will be done – that an innocent man will be released.
Iran’s new leadership may be an opportunity for this to happen. The overwhelming support that saw President Rohani elected stems from his position as a fair and respected man. As he settles into his new role engaging other nations on the world stage, we are hopeful that your case will be reevaluated. I have heard there is a list of prisoners who may be released after the Eid.
We saw in the news the Omani Sultan visited President Rohani this past weekend. He is a fair and righteous man who has helped others to be released from Iran. We are hopeful that he has mentioned your case.
Secretary of State Kerry even issued a statement today asking for Iran to work with us toward your release.
Please know that you will never be forgotten and that we will continue to do everything to bring you home. Two years is too long; it is time to bring you home.
Your friends, family and everyone who has ever met you knows what a great, faithful and family oriented person you are and continue to pray and speak out on your behalf.
With the second year of your sentence coming to pass, take comfort in my words. We are close. There are many people standing behind you.
We love you.
Always, Mom