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Khazei sees handwriting on wall and drops out of race

Iranian-American Khazei, 50, had been doing fairly well in his third run statewide and was believed to have a real chance at the nomination—until several weeks ago when Elizabeth Warren, a nationally recognized consumer advocate, entered the race.

The Democratic establishment in Massachusetts swiftly fell behind Warren, seeing her as their best chance to oust Republican Scott Brown, who surprised everyone last year when he won a special election to finish the term of the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy.  That seat is up for election in November 2012

The word went out that leading Democrats would not look favorably on any future efforts by candidates who continued to challenge Warren and force her to spend money on a primary that Democrats would rather see targeted at Brown.

Two candidates swiftly dropped out, but Khazei said he would continue.  Now he, too, has dropped out.

In his withdrawal statement October 27, Khazei said:

“In the past few weeks, it has become clear to me while talking with my family and friends that the best way for me to be of service now is to bring this campaign to a close.

“Elizabeth Warren has struck a chord with citizens across our state and across our country at all levels of the political process, and I congratulate her on doing that so quickly.

“I’ve said throughout this campaign that Scott Brown does not deserve to be re-elected because he has failed to lead when our country is crying out for game-changing leadership. I don’t want to do anything that could prevent the defeat of Scott Brown in 2012. And so I believe the best way for me to be of service is to exit the race at this time.

“Today is a difficult day for me, yes; but it is much more important to remember that every day is a difficult day for far too many of our fellow citizens in our commonwealth and in this country,” Khazei said.

Khazei is the son of an Iranian-American surgeon and an Italian-American nurse. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and grew up in the Boston area and in Bedford, New Hampshire. In 1979, he graduated from St. Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire, where he was president of his graduating class. He graduated from Harvard College with honors in 1983 and in 1987 from Harvard Law School.

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