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paperwork with Interpol and now expects it to do its job and arrest Mahmud-Reza Khavari, the former head of Bank Melli who fled to Canada last year after he was implicated in the $2.6 billion bank fraud scandal.  “This is an issue that can be perceived as a test for those claiming that they fight corruption, including Western countries, Interpol itself and also the country that gave him [Khavari] asylum,” Mohseni-Ejai said.  “Everyone knows this is not a political issue and Khavari is to be prosecuted on charges of corruption.… We are waiting for measures to be taken by Interpol.”  Mohseni-Ejai acted as if he did not known that a) Interpol doesn’t arrest anyone, just forwards notices that a person is wanted in another country, 2) Iran does not have an extradition treaty with Canada and 3) Khavari was not given asylum by Canada; he received Canadian citizenship several years ago.

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