May 26, 2018

One Iranian-Canadian was injured in April by the razed man who drove a van down several blocks of Toronto’s main street where it extends far out into the suburbs. Amir Kiumarsi, a microbiologist who emigrated from Iran to teach chemistry at Toronto’s Ryerson University, was among the 16 injured. Another 10 were killed by the driver, Alek Minassian, who was apprehended by a policeman who refused to shoot Minassian, as Minassian demanded.
Most of those killed and injured were women and Minassian’s Facebook page showed he was violently anti-female.
Kiumarsi was seriously injured and was initially in intensive care. He is now out of intensive care and will survive, but it isn’t known when he will be out of the hospital.
Kiumarsi was active with his trade union and was an officer of his local of the Canadian Union of Public Employees.
On April 23, Minassian drove his van down the sidewalks of Yonge Street in the suburbs between Toronto and Richmond Hill, which is the community with the largest concentration of Iranians in the region. He faces trial on 10 counts of homicide.