and is warning that the West now intends to steal Libya’s wealth and leave Libyans mired in poverty.
A total of 231 Majlis deputies or 80 percent of the Majlis membership signed a statement Tuesday saying the ouster of three American puppet regimes in North Africa has greased the skids for the defeat of US hegemony around the world.
The statement cited the ouster this year of Tunisia’s Zein Al-Abidine Ben Ali, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and Libya’s Qadhdhafi and said: “These dictators were branches of US regional power whose downfall has set American might and power on a downward slope.” Mubarak was indeed a close US ally, but Ben Ali was not and Qadhdhafi was an opponent; still the statement just blithely declared all to be American puppets as if it expected people around the world to believe that.
In a speech Tuesday in Birjand, President Ahmadi-nejad announced that the “colonial powers” have struck an agreement to divvy up the wealth and resources of Libya and are ploting to dominate the Libyan oil industry.
“You colonialists intend to divide the Libyan people’s wealth and honor. You should know that you are wrong. Today, the Libyan people will knock the teeth out of anyone who has plotted against their honor and independence,” he said.
In Libya, reporters said many of the celebrations over Qadhdhafi’s downfall included American and French flags in thanks for the air attacks on Qadhdhafi’s forces that helped the rebels prevail. There were no sightings reported of flags of the Islamic Republic.
In his speech, Ahmadi-nejad said, “Today the US rulers are the most hated in the world.” A series of recent polls around the world on which countries are the most respected generally place the United States somewhere in the middle and the governments of Iran and Iraq at the bottom as the least respected.