Friday, March 21, 2025
For the third year in a row, Iran is not moving the clocks forward at Now Ruz. The Majlis voted to remain on standard time all year round. Iran will now be 7-1/2 hours ahead of the US East Coast from the second Sunday in March (when the US advanced clocks one hour) until the first Sunday in November (when the US will move its clocks back).
Iran will then be 8-1/2 hours ahead of the Eastern Time Zone from the first Sunday in November until the second Sunday in March. However, both Iran and the United States may change their minds about this. Iran has been very indecisive about time.
It adopted Daylight Saving Time in 1956 under the Pahlavi Dynasty, dropped it after the revolution in 1980, readopted it in 1991 under President Ali-Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, dropped it under President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, but changed its mind just one year later and re-adopted it, before yet again dropping it in 2023.
The United States has been considering keeping Daylight Saving Time (not Standard Time) year-round. The Senate approved such a change a few years ago, but the House did not act on the legislation. Polls show strong support for the change.