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Iran has ‘upper hand’ militarily over Americans

October 08, 2021

Tehran has the upper hand militarily against the United States, an unnamed Pasdar officer said in a speech to academics Sept. 28.

The officer from the Khatam al-Anbia Central Military Headquarters said, “At present, the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran are able to impose exorbitant and irreparable costs on the enemy,” the Fars news agency reported.

He explained in detail, “Our full hand in terms of the existence of numerous intelligence and operational scenarios about the sensitive centers and strategic systems as well as American resources related to this evil regime has changed our position from ambiguity and lack of information to high transparency and accessibility. This means we have a strategic upper hand in this equation.”

The official said most of the financial and human costs and numerous failures suffered by the US in the region, especially over the past two decades, are the result of Washington’s submission to Israeli demands and strategies.

“The relations between the Zionist regime and the US will soon turn into a lose-lose situation, and we will show the characteristics and components of this incidence in due time,” he added.

A week earlier, Iranian Intelligence Minister Esmail Khatib warned the US and Israel that if their bases in Iraqi Kurdistan foment insecurity against Iran, they will receive a harsh response.  He said those bases would be subject to “active and aggressive” action if they stoke insecurity in the Islamic Republic.

“All counterrevolutionary elements and their supporters in the region must know that in case of disrupting the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they will face a decisive response from … the Armed Forces and security apparatus,” he said.

Khatib urged Iraqi officials to expel the foreigners in the Kurdistan region and to disarm them at the earliest.

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