The Iran Times reported in June that Swedish media had reported that Hojatollah Rabbani, an Iranian living in Sweden, had been arrested for cutting off his wife’s lips with a knife and eating the lips after he suspected her of having an affair with another man.
The 52-year-old Iranian has been jailed while awaiting trial.
The prosecution originally sought to charge the man with attempted murder. But the court has agreed only to accept a charge of assault.
Swedish newspapers said Rabbani had worked for a major medical institute in Stockholm. They said he was more recently employed by a university in Tehran but lived part of the time in Stockholm where he collaborated with his old research team at the university there.
Fars said Rabbani had made “remarkable achievements in identifying and treating cancers” and was leading a joint project between the Ibn Sina Research Center in Tehran and the Karolinska Medical Institute in Stockholm.
The news outlet Avpixlat said Rabbani had showed no regrets for what he had done. The daily Aftonbladet of Stockholm reported the Iranian flew into a jealous rage when he concluded his much younger wife was having an affair.
But Fars said Swedish police had plotted to arrest him on trumped up charges when Rabbani refused a Swedish government demand that he register his project in Sweden.
Fars gave no sources for its report on the Swedish “plot.”