Iran Times

Faezeh says her dad was opposed to war in Syria

February 26, 2021

FaezehFaezeh Hashemi, daughter of the late President Ali-Akbar Hashemi-Raf-sanjani, says her father opposed Iran’s participation in the war in Syria.

Faezeh said her father told Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleymani, commander of the Qods Force, which handles Iran’s military operations abroad, of his opposition.

“Soleymani consulted my father before he went to Syria, and my father told him not to go,” Faezeh said in an interview with Ensaf News.

She said: “On the anniversary of Soleymani’s assassination, we do not hear anyone talking about what my father did, but he was intelligent and farsighted, and he advised him [Soleymani] not to go, and he was right.”

She asked: “What did Soleymani’s actions and our resistance policy produce? What did they achieve for us in the fields of economy, freedoms and foreign policy?”

Faezeh said Iran’s policy in the region “led to us losing our friends.  Our foreign policy became similar to domestic politics, as supporters turned into critics, then critics changed into opponents.”

Her brother, Mohsen Hashemi, who is chairman of Tehran’s City Council, demanded an apology from her, saying, “Trump did nothing but impose sanctions, assassinations and insults against Iran. Apologize for what you wrote, and do not discredit your father.”

Faezeh is a former Reformist deputy in the Majlis.  She was sentenced in 2011 to six months in jail and banned for five years from engaging in political, cultural and journalistic activities for propaganda activities against the government.

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