Iran Times

Faezeh: Regime is killing regime

June 22, 2018

FAEZEH. . . sees regime suicide
FAEZEH. . . sees regime suicide

Faezeh Hashemi-Rafsanjani, the younger daughter of Iran’s late president, Ali-Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, has criticized Tehran’s foreign policies saying they will lead to the overthrow of the regime.
“The regime’s policies will lead to overthrowing it and this requires no action by America. If we were wise, and did not waste the people’s rights and drain the country’s resources there would be no reason to worry about overthrowing the regime,” Faezeh, a former member of the Majlis, told Iranian activists, according to the Middle East Monitor.
“The pressures exerted secretly and publicly by America, Saudi Arabia and Israel on Iran have nothing to do with the nuclear agreement. Unfortunately, the regime is giving wrong reasons to the Iranian people in order to distort public opinion about what has happened and what is happening now,” she said, explaining that the current problems facing Iran are not the result of the Iranian nuclear agreement, but because of Tehran’s foreign policies including in Syria and Yemen.
Faezeh said: “Ironically, when we intervene in a country, we spend a lot of money there, and distort our credibility in the world. But when it comes to benefits, we are expelled from these countries including Syria and Iraq,” adding that Iran’s policies have proven to be counterproductive and harmful.
Faezeh, 56, holds a master of laws degree in international human rights from Birmingham City University in England.

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