Iran Times

BoJo makes no sparks on Iran

July 19, 2019

JOHNSON. . . unusually boring
JOHNSON. . . unusually boring

In an interview with Reuters July 3, Boris Johnson, the former British foreign secretary and leading candidate to succeed Theresa May as prime minister next month, took a very conventional view when queried about his thoughts on Iran.

Johnson, known in Britain as BoJo, did not create any sparks or make any derogatory remarks about Iran, despite his propensity for such comments.

He said, “I would urge again the Iranian government to think very, very hard about scrapping the JCPOA and breaching their commitments on the Iran nuclear deal. It has been a good guarantor of stability in relations, certainly with the EU and with America, and I think they should stick with it and I think it would be a great mistake now for Iran to abandon that approach of restraint and go for enrichment of nuclear materials I think that would be a serious error.”

When asked if he would move closer to the US position on Iran, he said: “I think what is certainly the case is that the JCPOA is looking increasingly frail and we do have to think of ways of constraining Iran’s disruptive behavior in the region. But I continue to believe that engaging with Iran and persuading Iran not to go forward with a nuclear weapons program is the right way forward for our country and for the region.”

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