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Berlin arrests immigrant accused of spying for Iran

January 25, 2019

A translator for the German armed forces was arrested January 15 on suspicion of spying for Iran.

In what could become a serious scandal for the German military, the arrested man is suspected of passing highly sensitive information to Iranian intelligence over a number of years.

The 50-year-old suspect, named only as Abdul-Hamid S, is a German citizen of Afghan heritage.  He was arrested in the Rhineland region of Germany.

He worked as a translator and cultural advisor to the German military, which has some 1,100 troops serving with international forces in Afghanistan, where they train local armed forces and police and assist them in the conflict with the Taliban.

He had access to classified information about German troop deployments in Afghanistan and other matters.

WINTRY — Winter has arrived, dumping snow on more than half the country’s provinces, including East Azerbaijan, where it doesn’t seem to bother this steel gentleman sitting on a park bench in Tabriz.

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