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After killing, Iran doesn’t break any more IAEA caps

February 28, 2020

Despite Iran’s threat early in January to ignore every single cap imposed on it by the nuclear deal, the country has not actually violated any more caps since then, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has announced.

While visiting Washington, Rafael Grossi said February 5 the Islamic Republic has not taken any additional measures in breach of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—though it is still violating caps it started violating last year.

Grossi said Iran has not done anything concrete to follow up on its announcement that it will scrap all its commitments under the deal.

Iran made the announcement January 5 as the fifth step of its phased reduction of commitments in reaction to the US unilateral withdrawal and what Iran feels is Europe’s failure to compensate for the pullout despite its promises.

In his comments, Grossi noted that Iran has continued enriching and stockpiling uranium at higher levels than permitted under the deal.

Since the assassination of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleymani January 3, the Islamic Republic has operated rather conservatively and cautiously toward the United States.  Many suspect the regime is confused and fearful of what Trump might do next, since no one in the regime ever expected the Americans to kill Soleymani.

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